Discussions, Courses, Trainings
Communication Essentials in Leadership
How to manage learners in daily interaction while keeping them productive.
Aligning Objectives
Usable Feedback
CEiL-training for executive teams contains two decades of experience in making the intricate
workings of leadership communication learnable. CEiL-training transforms knowledge into
understanding and changes your behaviour from inside out. Truly own your leadership messages
and effectively narrow the gaps between your thoughts, your articulation and what others
Managing Learners
“In times of change Learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” - Eric Hoffer
How to manage learners in daily interaction while keeping them productive.
Engaged executives feel as if they are asked to chase five rabbits and risk burn out.
How to align short and long term, concrete and abstract for energy to flow.
Feedback is everywhere. Success, failure, results and even realities are all feedback.
One sub category of feedback is between human beings. Even if well-intended it can be difficult, turn emotional and achieve the opposite. How to give & receive workable feedback?
Meaning Matters
One sub category of feedback is between human beings. Even if well-intended it can be difficult, turn emotional and achieve the opposite. How to give & receive workable feedback?
A common denominator between Health, Happiness and Motivation is Meaningfulness. When we are convinced
that our existence or presence is meaningless to the world around us, we tend to deteriorate. How does this work?
What are the symptoms? Leadership- and management hacks to integrate ‘Meaningfulness’ meaningfully.
Insightful Discourse
What are the symptoms? Leadership- and management hacks to integrate ‘Meaningfulness’ meaningfully.
Profound and useful conversations are a pleasure, both in private and professional settings. Unfortunately we sometimes feel dumber than before the conversation. Sometimes it was just a waste of time. But we can’t get enough of genuinely useful conversations.
If we knew what really causes the difference, we would do something about it. And there is indeed a hidden and manageable reason.
Productive Brainstorming
If we knew what really causes the difference, we would do something about it. And there is indeed a hidden and manageable reason.
Brainstorming can turn into a tedious revisit of old ideas, circular reasoning and the tiresome old conclusion “we need more resources”. But if well done it can turn around a failing company or lift a growing one to new heights. Making Innovative
Group Think Possible Again (MIGroThiPA)
Trust in Leadership
Group Think Possible Again (MIGroThiPA)
Trust is central to human interaction. Our search for trustworthiness extends to all areas of life.
We’ll examine how trust relates to leadership in small and medium size enterprises.
How can you leverage the trust factor to increase benefit to all your stake holders?
Conscious Existing
We’ll examine how trust relates to leadership in small and medium size enterprises.
How can you leverage the trust factor to increase benefit to all your stake holders?
Be, Do, Have are basic conditions of our existence, regardless of our level of awareness about them.
The deeper the existential awareness, the fewer disconcerting occurrences and unwelcome outcomes.
In a professional context an effective question is therefore:
How to reduce reactive think- and behaviour patterns in order to increase and stabilise one’s (co-)creational power
In a professional context an effective question is therefore:
How to reduce reactive think- and behaviour patterns in order to increase and stabilise one’s (co-)creational power
More info coming soon...
© Thomas Bothe ⋅ Art-of-Reaction